Creating together

Creating together

27 March 2023
From the exhibition

One of the most personal designs can be found right there on your head. How often does someone say, ‘Oh, you look different somehow, did you get your hair done?’ We can all be recognized by the way we wear our hair. To look our best, our most attractive self, we turn to the expert to shape it for us. Or we pick up a comb, scissors or bottle of hair colouring ourselves. Before getting our hair cut, we Google for styles, watch instructional videos, browse Pinterest and think about whether it will suit the shape of our face. Short, long, coloured, shaved, or a perm, with or without a ponytail? When you finally decide to visit the hairdresser, you show them the pictures you have found and ask for something similar. What will the stylist’s verdict be: is that possible with my hair? It’s now up to the designer to determine your fate. As they cut, you can still ask for the odd tweak, but you mostly have to put your faith in the skills of this specialist. You then look at the results together: what do you think? Depending on the answer, you could feel rejuvenated and radiant or downright miserable. Next up is the challenging, sometimes impossible task of maintaining the design at home, combing, blow-drying and fixing your hair just like the expert did.