Sabotage and mass murder in Kiev
On September 19, 1941, the Germans, with a force of 500,000 men, captured the city of Kiev/Kyiv following a 45-day siege. On September 24, the city centre, which had been mined by Soviet forces beforehand, including the army headquarters and Hotel Continental where German officers were staying (indicated by the grey shaded area), exploded. Jews are wrongfully blamed, leading to a massacre in the Babi Yar ravine. Over the subsequent months, more Jews, as well as Roma, Communists, and tens of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war, are systematically shot. In total, approximately 100,000 individuals were murdered in the Babi Yar massacre.

Kr. Kart. u. Verm. Amt (Kriegskartei und Vermessungsamt), Stadtplan von Kiew, Warsaw 1942. Coll. S/T W.2y.6, 58 x 99 cm.