Mapping Modernity

27. East meets West

23 October 2023

Endless internment in Bandung

Shortly after the Allied capitulation in March 1942, Japan interned all Europeans in Indonesia. Men, women with small children, and teenage boys, were all placed in separate camps. Notably, the men’s camp, the boys’ camp, and the women’s camp were situated in close proximity to each other. The internment camps were known for their harsh living conditions. These drawings depicting the two camps may have been created by former employees of the Topographical Service of the Dutch East Indies, which was located in the same city.


The 69th Infantry Division, East meets West, z.p. (1945), in: Pictorial History of the 69th Infantry Division, 15 May 1943 - 15 May 1945. Coll. S/T W.1p.30, 22 x 91 cm.