Unwanted and deadly migration
This remarkable map produced by the European Border and Coastguard Agency presents the flows of illegal migrants en route to Europe. The thick flowing red and purple arrows, representing a ceaseless flow of millions of people, seems to suggest an invasion against which Europeans must defend themselves. In contrast, an alternative map shows many thousands of refugees who died at the Schengen border up until 2014. These migrants are subject to an expensive pre-border levy due to diplomatic deals between Africa andTurkey. They then sail across the Mediterranean, now the world’s deadliest border, only to be greeted in Europe by detention camps on the other side.

Frontex, Main nationalities of illegal border-crossers July-September 2015, from: Fran Quarterly, Quarter 3, 2015. 29 x 45.5 cm.

O. Clochard & P. Rekacewicz, Mourir aux portes de l'Europe 2014, from: P. Rekacewicz, Mourir aux portes de l'Europe, Le Monde diplomatique 28 avril 2014. 31.5 x 45.5 cm.