Love, Designed
Visiting time: ●●● Long (45 minutes)The exhibition Love, Designed will show you how design has shaped our image of love. The ideal man? He was designed for the cover of a romantic novel in the Bouquet series. Diamond engagement rings? Invented by the diamond firm De Beers. Apps like Tinder you think will help you find love? They’re designed to be as addictive as possible.
What about the stereotypical ‘ANWB couple’ dressed in matching clothes? The ‘couple look’ is actually a fascinating phenomenon found in lots of different cultures. The simple heart emoji has a rich design history too. And did you know that the design of sex toys can tell us all sorts of things about ideals of masculinity, femininity and pleasure?
Love, Designed shows you how design guides the way we both seek and consume love. You’ll also meet the designers who speculate about alternatives to love’s many clichés. In short, the exhibition will open your eyes to how our image of love has been designed.
An extensive programme of activities will accompany Love, Designed, packed with workshops, lectures, speed dates, films and more besides.

This exhibition was curated by Young Design curator Bao Yao Fei. The exhibition design was provided by Maison the Faux.
Love, Designed is made possible by the generous support of Het Cultuurfonds.