Mapping Modernity

9. Wege zur Vereinigung Europas

23 October 2023

Beginnings of European bureaucracy

In 1955, a political and economic alignment developed between the Europarat and the ECSC (Montanunion). Both entities boast supranational decision-making bodies, and the exercise of these powers falls under the control of parliament and the Court of Justice. Notably, the principle of the free movement of individuals had already been established during this period.

Lehrmittelverlag W. Hageman, Wege zur Vereinigung Europas in Politik und Wirtschaft, Ziel: Politischer Friede und wirtschafliche Freiheit in einem vereinten Europa, Düsseldorf (±1955). Coll. S/T W.2h.83, 84 x 118.5 cm.