Mapping Modernity

17. Stalingrad

23 October 2023

Stalingrad: turning point in the war 

This map isn’t exclusively a military map, but it does contain (brief) military information. In late 1942, Italian, Hungarian, and Romanian flank troops deserted, but the 6th German Army was ordered not to withdraw from Stalingrad; the city and its name are symbolicaly significant. After months of intense combat in the bitterly cold winter, the German army was encircled in February 1943, with 250,000 German soldiers surrendering. This event would mark a significant turning point in the course of the war. Stalingrad is reduced to smouldering ruins.

(unknown), Stadtplan von Stalingrad gezeichnet nach der 2. (vorläufige) Ausgabe, IX.1942, (Berlin) 1942. Coll. S/T W.2v.34, 40 x 37 cm.