Mapping Modernity

2. SAAR 1

25 October 2023

Saar German again: revenge on Versailles 

Following the end of World War I, Germany must make several concessions: ceding Alsace-Lorraine, accept the establishment of a large demilitarized zone in West Germany, and relinquish control of the new Saar sub-region to France. Just 15 years after the Treaty of Versailles, in 1933, after Adolf Hitler’s seizure of power,  the local population in the Saar region is asked to decide whether they wished to be part of France or Germany. 90% of the population votes to join Germany.

(NSDAP), SAAR 1. März 1935, s.p. 1935. Coll. S/T W.1c.978, pin, 3 x 3 cm.