Mapping Modernity

21. Treblinka

25 October 2023

Localising the unimaginable

When this map found its way to New York, Treblinka II was in the process of being dismantled following an uprising. The origin of this image can be traced back to a manuscript card from Warsaw, dating from late 1942. Within the confines of the ghetto, Rachel Auerbach documented the account of Jakub Krzepicki, who managed to escape from this death camp. This same map was included in the secret Jewish archive.

R. Auerbach & J. Krzepicki, Treblinka, in: World Jewish Congress, Lest we forget ..., The Massacre of the Warsaw Ghetto, (New York) September 1943. Coll. S/T K.457, 21 x 27.5 cm.