Mapping Modernity

3. Judenstädte

25 October 2023

Jewish cities and ghettos

On the left side, one can observe population figures for the ‘Jewish cities’ of Eastern Europe expressed in absolute numbers, while on the right, these figures are expressed in percentages. This Nazi-made work on Jewry in Eastern Europe posits that within cities and ghettos, the growing Jewish population is gaining prominence in retail, liberal professions, and credit institutions, thereby contributing to the proletarianisation and impoverishment of cities. This in turn gives rise to a significant number of Jewish bankers and Bolsheviks.

P-H. Seraphim, Die grössten Judenstädte Osteuropas, in: Das Judenthum im osteuropäischen Raum, Königsberg 1938. Coll. S/T K.279, 24.5 x 35 cm.