Festive Opening October 15

The director of Design Museum Den Bosch cordially invites you to the grand opening of four presentations and exhibitions on October 15, 2022.  Please register your attendance here.

Screenwear – Exploring Digital Fashion

Digital fashion has long since ceased to be science fiction. Fashion consisting of pixels instead of textiles is almost imperceptibly part of everyday life for many people. Immerse yourself in this digital world. Discover the latest generation of fashion designers and stand eye to eye with hyper-realistic digital models.

A Digital Nature

The presentation by the Young Design Team in cooperation with DEMO shows a selection of animations on the theme of digital nature: wondrous underwater worlds, alien plants and dream landscapes with digital flowers. They are enticing images that also force you to think: have we entered an era where digital nature has become part of biodiversity?

Artificial Awe

Frank Kolkman is the first recipient of the Stokroos BodyDrift Stipendium. Kolkman designs at the intersection of technology and the human body. The work Artificial Awe is an attempt to visualize sublime experiences and make them generally accessible using artificial intelligence.

1:? – The models of Gijs Bakker

Design Museum Den Bosch acquired an important selection of prototypes and models from the oeuvre of Gijs Bakker with the support of Vereniging Rembrandt. They give a special insight into the way a product is created. Bakker’s designs are a search for harmony between form and function. As with his jewelry designs, a design practice that Bakker regards as a laboratory for his product designs, Bakker regularly pushes the boundaries in this regard.



14.00 Welcome and opening by Timo de Rijk, director Design Museum Den Bosch

15.00 Ruben Baart, curator and editor-in-chief at Next Nature Network, contributes a column to the presentation A Digital Nature in the Young Design Space

15.30 Interview with curator Anne-Karlijn van Kesteren and Frank Verkade of New Order of Fashion about the exhibition Screenwear in the entrance hall.

16.00 Gijs Bakker talks with Timo de Rijk about the presentation of his work in the hall way on the second floor.

16.30 Frank Kolkman gives an insight into his research at his presentation in the Collab on the second floor.

18.00 End


Sign up

We look forward to receiving your registration by October 10, 2022. To do so, please fill out this form.  By signing up you agree to be photographed during the festivities.


These exhibitions and presentations were made possible by the generous support of the municipality ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Fonds 21, Vereniging Rembrandt, Stichting Stokroos, DEMO, Studio Dumbar/DEPT, 4DR Studios and Morentz.